Our little miracle has happened

Since I posted this blog several months ago I have received a lot of emails of encouragement from readers. Thanks to you all you your kind words.
The big news is that is has happened, my beautiful wife Megs is pregnant! We're having a baby! I am so very excited about it all. We have just reached the 16 week mark and everything is just as it should be! We should find out if it is little boy or a little girl in about 3 weeks time.
I couldn't be happier.
The endless search and collection for baby accessories has begun and the spare room is definitely taking on the nursery feel it will soon have.
I wanted to thank Beth Kiley and her Personal Path to Pregnancy ebook. It was just wonderful, and a great read for us soon-to-be parents, and great value for money. Thanks Beth.
And for those that are interested, friends of ours found another valuable ebook called Getting Pregnant - Infertility the Natural Way. It is a little pricey, but Patrick and Mary swear that it is worth it. They have not been as fortunate as Megs and I falling pregnant. Please have a look for yourself.
So, it looks like I need to change from a blog on how to become pregnant to a blog about birth and parenting. Would you be interested in reading it? If you would please leave me a comment, or you can twitter me on @mrbipana.
And remember, if you do like the blog, please bookmark it using the link below and choose your favorite bookmark service.
Labels: how long does it take to get pregnant, howlongdoesittaketogetpregnant, infertility, mrbipana, natural, Pregnancy
At 23 June 2008 at 12:40 pm ,
beth said...
Congratulations, I'm glad Personal Path to Pregnancy has helped you as it has helped so many other couples to realize their dream...
At 2 August 2010 at 2:08 am ,
Tanay said...
The trick on how to get pregnant fast is to figure out when you are ovulating each month. If you can do this successfully, you will be able to have intercourse on these days in order to improve the odds that you will become pregnant that month. If you do not know when you are ovulating, you may miss these days and not have intercourse. This means that you will probably not become pregnant in that month, and you will have to wait until the next month for another opportunity.
In order to keep the monthly opportunity from passing without you taking advantage of it, you can do one of two things. The first technique you can use to get pregnant fast is to have intercourse every day of the month. Obviously, your partner will have to agree to this technique if it is to be useful. In this way, you will guarantee that you are having intercourse on the days that you ovulate.
The other, slightly less tiring approach on how to get pregnant fast is to use an ovulation detector to determine when you are ovulating. These can be purchased in the feminine care aisle of the grocery or drugstore and used at home to tell you when you are fertile. Then it is up to you to have intercourse on these days to conceive. No matter how you do it, good luck as you try to get pregnant fast!
More Tips at -- http://bit.ly/8YL3HO
At 3 May 2012 at 5:35 pm ,
Anonymous said...
how to get pregnant Very informative post, Many will learn upon reading your article. Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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